Your 6 benefits of my 5-star service:-

  1. Acquire high quality editing and writing skills to boost your books

  2. Choose author mentorship from the start, or at the end of your writing process

  3. Articulate with clarity, confidence and conviction.

  4. Make the most of your marketing and sales content.

  5. Achieve positive outcomes from your marketing messages.

  6. Work with an editor and wordsmith who empowers all your written communications.


The power of the PICA*

·       Powerful words and headlines

·       Interesting idioms

·       Clarity and continuity

·       Active and positive sentences


A pica is the size of letter, originating from late 16th century, from Anglo-Latin pica (literally ‘magpie’), commonly identified with a 15th-century book of rules about Church feasts,


Outcome: You can connect more profitably with your readers, clients, prospects, collaborators and supporters.